Not All Karens are Karens

Accepted at Verum Ultimum "Strata ll" show. Pulp Fiction: Hand-torn newspaper with graphite on security envelope

Score for Harp: Oil monotype with collage on paper

Blue Skies A' Coming: Gouache, acrylic collage on canvas

Accepted at Art Fluent "Abstracted" show. Shadow's Passing: Collage with security envelope, oil monotype and ink

Accepted at HMVC Gallery "HMVC presents [Hello Tomorrow]" show. Our Voice: Collage and graphite on paper

Accepted at The Flagler County Art League "On a High Note" show. Amigos: Gouache with collage and ink on paper

Rage: Gouache and graphite on paper

Accepted at Cultural Center of Cape Cod "Strike a Pose: Portraiture and Figurative Work" show. March On: Collage and acrylic paint

Graphite Graphite: Mm and graphite on paper

Nature's Generous Aura: Gouache on canvas

Grids and Sketches: Acrylic collage (colored pencil, ink) on canvas

Accepted at Verum Ultimum "Abrazo" show. Also accepted to San Fernando Valley Arts and Cultural Center “In the Abstract” show. Untitled 1948: Collage, gesso, graphite on canvas

Petulia Bay: Oil monotype with gouache on paper. Accepted at Art Fluent "THIS LAND" show.

Out on a Limb: Watercolor and collage on canvas

Deep Layered Mysteries: Oil monotype collage

Accepted at Artistonish "Artistonish Magazine" show. Hanging Together: Oil monotype collage

Dancing Bananas: Acrylic on canvas with attached cloth

Accepted at Exhibizone "Happiness" show. Dancing with the Stars: Gouache with hand painted collage on canvas

Ate Too Much Broccoli: Gouache with hand painted collage

Smogasbord: Colored pencil, graphite, ink on paper

Accepted at O'Hanlon Center for the Arts" show. Clicking Heels: Gouache on canvas

Tree Amigos 02: Charcoal on paper

Florence: Gouache with oil monotype and magazine collage

Accepted at Artistonish "Artistonish Magazine" show. What Now?: Gouache and collage on canvas

Accepted at 6th Street Art Studio "Lazy Days of Summer" show. Out of the Mud: Gouache and ink on paper

Office Help 01: Accepted at Cultural Center of Cape Cod "Out of the Blue" show. Watercolor, wax pastel, graphite on paper.

Temperature Rising: Oil on canvas

Accepted at KBM Art Gallery "Earth Day; Invest in our Planet" show. Happy to be Alive: Watercolor and graphite on canvas

First Place Winner of 2017 Concord Art Roddy Show for Painting

Juggling Democracy: Collage with acrylic, string, latex gloves on canvas.

Stable Genius: Oil on linen canvas

Juggling Democracy 01: Collage with acrylic paint on canvas

January 6-20: Gouache with collage on paper

Groucho: Acrylic paint on paper

Accepted at Laslaguna Art Gallery "Icons" show.  Mick: Acrylic paint on paper

Karen: Gouache and graphite on paper

Pink Clown: Oil pastel, acrylic paint, graphite, ink on brown paper

Accepted at Red Bluff Art Gallery "aRT 4 Animals" show. On a Mission: Watercolor and sand on paper

Accepted at Art Fluent "Into the Wild" show. Dangerous Diminutive Denizen of the Deep

Patiently Waiting: Oil monotype, oil pastel, graphite

Leave Your Troubles Behind: Gouache with collage on paper

Accepted at Cultural Center of Cape Cod "Rainbow!" show. Jubilation: Gouache on canvas

See Me: Acrylic on paper

Visions of Grandma: Gouache with ink on canvas

Haunted Adventure: Oil on canvas

Accepted at Exhibizone "Emptiness" show. All Alone: Oil on canvas

Accepted at Site Brooklyn "New Painting" show. Rural Urban Divide 01: Mineral pigment, gesso, acrylic, ink.

Accepted at Site Brooklyn "New Painting" show. Rural Urban Divide 04: Dry medium, gesso, acrylic, ink.

Accepted at the Rhode Island Watercolor Society "Dramatic Skies" show. Hurricanes a Coming: Gouache and collage on paper

Accepted at the Rhode Island Watercolor Society show "Dramatic Skies". Toppling: Collage on paper

Accepted at Verum Ultimum "10th Annual Living Mark" show. Cha Cha: Wax pastel, ink and graphite on paper

Accepted at Art Fluent "Noir" show. Hideaway: Collage on paper

Trellis: Gouache on canvas

Accepted at Rhode Island Watercolor Society - Negative Spaces exhibition. Me and My Shadow. Wax pastel on paper


Brown paper, newspaper, sandpaper, wood, coffee filter, paint

Accepted at ART FLUENT " /ab strak(t) " show. Dazzling Winter. Water based oil on canvas.

Accepted at Art Fluent gallery "Beyond the Scars" show. Estrangement 03: Wax pastel on paper.

Accepted at Cultural Center of Cape Cod "Out of the Blue" show. Office Help 03. Watercolor, wax pastel, graphite on paper.